Red w/copper wire, green w/copper and brass wire, and aluminum screen mesh, blue w/broad copper band wound around pen for curls. Did not flatten brass as metal temperature higher than glass firing.
workbench w/a few fired and slumped become???
recycling liquor bottles into cheese boards and candy/nut dishes
Breckenridge Bourbon ranked 3rd in the world.... and now it's empty bottle makes a wonderful candy or cheese ball dish
using scren mesh and copper pieces
many many small wine bottles---most painted and some w/frit and wire
painted bottles for hanging on a wall
Jack Daniels bottles slumped at 1280 and 1290. Notice the shape differences... both unique!
A Vox Vodka bottle....makes a terrific looking dish!
Snow Queen Vodka from the Ukraine... fired super... no idea who gave it to me...